L'Occitane Ice Hand Cream Gel

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This is not the usual hand cream. Not creamy, greasy or even moisturising. No, none of that. 

On application, the first thing that hit me was the zesty smell. An aroma of verbena, orange, geranium and lemon tree. Next was the dry and cooled feeling on my hands. However, as I continue to smooth the gel over my hands, it turns to a matte, powdery finish. Very different from the hand creams I’ve used before. 

I’m not sure why this unique hand cream is meant to help reduce perspiration and swelling sensations. Could this be a product for people with sweaty palms? 

Anyway, I bought the 50ml to try but won’t want to spend S$30 on the 75ml. It is unique no doubt, and my hands did look like it’s been protected, but I don’t like the matt feel that much. And neither do I have a problem with perspirations on my hands.


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